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HABA Germany board game 4319 Santiago odontosaurus

- + Gross weight: 220g
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Brand: HABA
Of sale: Germany
Age: Over 5 years old
Model: 4319
Sex: Unisex
Material: cardboard
Type: Puzzle Early Education
Goods Shipment: Overseas warehouse delivery

Commodity description




1. European educational experts directly participate in board game design

Each of Haba's board games is carefully designed and developed by famous European education experts and senior toy designers on the characteristics of children's growth and development.

2. Haba board game has been used by educational institutions as professional teaching aids for early childhood education

Haba board game is not only a tool for games, but also a good helper for early education and learning. Compared with the teaching aids provided by friends, Haba is not only more entertaining, but also more interesting to children. At the same time, it embodies the excellent concept of early education. In many educational institutions and schools in Europe, Haba board game is available in almost every class and has been used as a professional teaching tool. In China, many well-known early education institutions and schools have also introduced Haba board games as the main teaching tool.



Subject: 4319 Santiago odontosaurus

How to use: this toy's playing method is similar to the memory challenge in the key 90 seconds of "Caifu university examination room".

In fact, it's a pair of collisions. It is to turn over and disrupt, and then turn over, take two of the same, and then continue to turn, turn the wrong person.

Examine the game of memory.

Although simple, but the child's interest is very high, beyond the adult's expectation.

Number of players: 2-4

Manufacturer's recommended age: above 5 years old

Product package size: 27.1x5.8 × 36.8cm

Note: if you play with your baby

Parents play with their children can make their children have the perception and sentiment of the world society from childhood. Haba toys fully understand the importance of parent-child interaction for baby's psychological growth, embody parent-child interaction in toy design and development, and enhance the emotional communication between parents and children. Babies will be safer, livelier, happier, smarter and happier.

Country of origin: Germany / Germany

Manufacturer: HABA

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