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ALTEYA 保加利亞ALTEYA有機玫瑰面部潔面液250毫升 海外本土原版

- + Gross weight: 350g
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Net weight: 250ml
Of sale: Bulgaria
Type: Cleansing
Effects: Deep clean pores to balance and moisturize the skin
Applicable skin: Any skin type
Allotment: Overseas warehouse delivery

Commodity description




Balances and moisturizes dry and sensitive skin; can deeply cleanse pores, eliminate excess oil, dirt, and refine pores; long-term use will make the skin brighter and softer.

Organic olive oil: The fatty acid composition of olive oil and a variety of natural fat-soluble vitamins have a very good moisturizing effect on the skin, can relieve dryness, water shortage, pain or inflammation, and can prevent stretch marks during pregnancy and relieve skin itching symptom. It can not only whiten and remove freckles, but also help prevent skin aging, nourish the skin, and bring moisture to the skin. Beauty and nutritionists praise olive oil as "edible cosmetics" and "beauty oil".

Organic Damascus Rose Hydrosol: Rose Hydrosol is a moisturizer that can increase and maintain skin moisture, and is suitable for normal to dry, mature, sensitive and dull skin. Rose has a cooling and very gentle astringent effect.

Organic Damask Rose Essential Oil: re-repair, nourish and soothe the skin. Free radicals stimulate the production of collagen and help slow down the aging process. It has a conditioning and astringent effect, shrinks capillaries, and makes the skin glowing with charming brilliance.

Organic Jojoba Oil: Natural anti-oxidant has anti-inflammatory and nourishing properties. It can moisturize the skin, slow down moisture loss and aging.

Organic coconut oil: It has the effect of softening and moisturizing the skin. Coconut oil can be absorbed deep into the cells, helping to limit the damage caused by free radicals. Can improve the elasticity of the skin.

Organic Lemongrass Oil: Helps clean the skin to remove dirt and impurities, and also helps balance oil secretion. It has strong antibacterial properties; it helps tighten pores and has a firming and repairing effect on the skin.

Organic geranium essential oil: nourishes skin cells, prevents skin sagging and premature aging, relieves skin inflammation, and improves greasy and unclean skin. Organic sweet almond oil: helps protect cell membranes and prolong the life of red blood cells in the circulatory system. In addition, sweet almond oil plays an important role in keeping the skin clean, healthy and resisting infection. These advantages of sweet almond oil can make it contain Its products help maintain elasticity, softness and cleansing of aging skin.



Applicable people: This low-foaming organic facial cleansing gel has a mild texture, good moisturizing and cleansing effect, and the skin will not feel tight after washing! Suitable for all skin types!


Usage and Dosage: A small amount of organic precipitate will be separated after long-term static. Shake it before use. After wet face~Press twice~Gently massage on the face and neck for one minute and rinse thoroughly with warm water

Note: 1 Do not place it where children can reach. 2. To avoid allergies, please do a sensitivity test behind the ear.

Storage: Store in a cool and dry place

Sales Location: Bulgaria


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