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Nuby American Sealed Preservation Rainbow Bowl 6pcs Original Overseas Local Edition

- + Gross weight: 150g
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Brand: Nuby
Of sale: America
Material: PP material No BPA
Type: Dishes, forks and spoons
Goods Shipment: Overseas warehouse delivery

Commodity description




1. It has a good sealing effect, and the food keeps fresh for a long time. However, liquids may not be completely leak-proof, after all, they are not sealed tanks;

2. Lightweight and durable;

3. It can be used by babies, children and adults;

4. Suitable for household daily use;

5. PP material, no bisphenol A



Model: 91164

Specification: 6 pieces

Applicable age: babies over 4 months

Material: PP material, bisphenol A free

Cleaning method: Do not cook! It is recommended to use warm water and bottle cleaner for cleaning.


1. Please check the product carefully before feeding your baby. If it is damaged, please do not use it!

2. Clean in time after using the product

Sales Location: America

Brand: Nuby

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