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Nuby America baby color insect Bracelet bite gel for more than 4 months

- + Gross weight: 250g
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Brand: Nuby
Of sale: America
Material: PP
Type: Teether
Goods Shipment: Overseas warehouse delivery

Commodity description




1. It can not only train the optic nerve and touch, but also let the baby bite

2. Each part of the color bracelet has a different tactile experience.

3. Environmental protection and safety standards are up to standard, without BPA!



Model: 478

Applicable age: baby over 4 months

Material: PP

Cleaning method:

1. Before the first use, sterilize in boiling water for 5 minutes or place in a steam sterilizer

2. Clean and disinfect with neutral detergent or steam after each use

matters needing attention:

1. Gum should not be exposed to sweet and sour substances, which may cause tooth decay

2. Check the gutta percha before each use, especially for babies with teeth. Stretch the gutta percha in all directions

3. Replace the gutta percha in time in case of damage or weak points

Place of sale: America

Brand: Nuby

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