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DIADERMINE 德國黛妍蒂膚高耐受性抗敏保濕面霜*3 海外本土原版

- + Gross weight: 270g
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Net weight: 50ml*3
Of sale: Germany
Type: face cream
Effects: moisturizing protection and anti-allergy
Applicable skin: Sensitive, inflammatory, rough skin
Allotment: Overseas warehouse delivery

Commodity description




According to statistics from the Skin Research Organization, half of the world’s women have sensitive skin. Redness, inflammation, and consequently roughness of the skin have become more and more skin problems. Therefore, skin care products that protect the skin from allergies, inflammation and roughness caused by external stimuli, soothing and nourishing and protecting skin care products are particularly important.

The skin expert of Daiyandi skin has researched and launched a new series of skin care products for sensitive skin: Diadermine High Tolerance high tolerance anti-allergic moisturizing series.

Diadermine High Tolerance high tolerance anti-allergic moisturizing series has passed the "European Allergy Research Foundation (ECARF)" test and does not contain any parabens, silicones or fragrances. The rich floral water brings a strong anti-allergic moisturizing effect.

Diadermine High Tolerance Day Cream is especially aimed at sensitive, inflamed and rough skin. It soothes and reduces inflamed skin conditions, such as facial skin redness and other skin problems. High tolerance and unique ingredients bring super soothing moisture and protection to the skin.




Applicable skin type: Sensitive, irritated, rough skin

How to use: After cleansing the face, apply evenly on the face and massage until absorbed.


1. Do not place it where children can reach;

2. Please store in a dark and dry place;

3. If the product gets into your eyes accidentally, please rinse it off with plenty of water immediately.

Sales Location: Germany


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