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Nuby America animal modeling cooling gum for more than 4 months

- + Gross weight: 200g
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Brand: Nuby
Of sale: America
Applicable period: More than 4 months
Type: Teether
Goods Shipment: Overseas warehouse delivery

Commodity description




1. A variety of surfaces can help relieve the discomfort of gums when the baby is teething, which can exercise the baby's hands-on ability.

2. Bright color, bright color can attract the baby's attention, arouse the baby's interest, so as to train the baby's hands activity ability.

3. Strong and safe, will not be broken by baby, no bisphenol A, no allergy, no aging

4. It can be put into the refrigerator fresh-keeping room, do not refrigerate



Model: 473

Color style: random delivery

Applicable age: baby over 4 months

Material: silicone + flannel

Package size: 6.5 × 12 × 13cm

Note: do not place in the overheated environment, do not boil, steam disinfection, microwave disinfection or wash in the dishwasher, so as to avoid plastic deformation. Please use it under the supervision of adults

Place of sale: America

Brand: Nuby

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