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MAM Austria Mini cool gum

- + Gross weight: 120g
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Brand: MAM
Of sale: Austria
Capacity: a piece
Sex: Unisex
Material: EVA ABS No BPA
Type: Teether
Goods Shipment: Overseas warehouse delivery

Commodity description




1.One segment is specially designed for front teeth

2. Unique three-dimensional three-dimensional shape, multi-style gnawing surface to relieve tooth pain

3. Train the baby's fine sports ability

4. Super light material is easy for baby to grasp

5. Bring your own storage box for easy carrying



Applicable crowd: babies over 2 months old

PP material: BPA Free

Specification: single package

Product package size: 10.4 * 6.8 * 4cm

Cleaning method:

1. Boiled or steam sterilized

2. Microwave disinfection (recommended)

matters needing attention:

1. It is recommended to use the baby bottle fruit and vegetable cleaning disinfectant

2. Be sure to clean it before use and give it to baby

Place of sale: Austria

Brand: MAM

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