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MAM Austria pacifier more than 16 months

- + Gross weight: 150g
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Brand: MAM
Of sale: Austria
Sex: Unisex
Material: Silicone No BPA
Type: Pacifier
Goods Shipment: Overseas warehouse delivery

Commodity description




Mam pacifier is a product developed by pediatricians and dentists as well as our excellent mam product design team according to the design concept of pacifying the baby. It is recommended by foreign dentists and orthodontists.

1. Pacifier is suitable for babies over 16 months old;

2. It is conducive to the growth of teeth and close to the skin. The antiskid surface can reduce the shedding from the mouth, and the upper and lower parts can be reversed, which does not affect the baby's oral development;

3. The patented pear vortex design with convex points on the panel can maintain the air circulation between the baby's skin and the panel, and reduce skin irritation or inflammation caused by saliva;

4. It is good for the baby to breathe more air;

5. The soft spherical nipple buckle is easier to grasp than the traditional nipple buckle. It is clean and safe without sanitary dead corner and small parts;

6. It is convenient for parents to observe whether the baby's sleeping position is correct at night;

7. It is convenient for parents to find pacifiers in time at night.



Suitable for infants over 16 months old

Material: silica gel PP without bisphenol A

Package size: 14 × 10.4 × 8cm

Cleaning method:

1. Boiled or steam sterilized;

2. Microwave disinfection (recommended);

matters needing attention:

1. It is suggested to use special sterilizer to protect the nipple to the greatest extent;

2. Please store in a dark and dry place;

3. Pacifier is not a toy. It should be placed in the place where the baby can not take it, and it should not be close to the baby's mouth and nose, so as to avoid the risk of suffocation due to accidents;

4. Based on hygiene, it is suggested that new pacifiers should be replaced within 1-2 months, and the use time of pacifiers should not be too long;

Place of sale: Austria

Brand: MAM

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