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[2pcs] ANNEMARIE BORLIND German Q10 live yeast cream + eye cream overseas original version

- + Gross weight: 350g
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Net weight: 50ml+15ml
Of sale: Germany
Type: Skin care set
Allotment: Overseas warehouse delivery

Commodity description




Essence cream:

1. Give the skin 24-hours all-weather care and moisturize efficiently.

2. Provides the coenzyme-Q10 (Coenzym Q10) and vitamin E needed by the skin itself, which can prevent skin aging and resist free radical attack damage.

3. At the same time, it prevents the loss of skin moisture, makes the skin softer and brighter, and can also be used as a good makeup isolation cream.

Eye cream:

1. Alcohol extract active ingredients can stimulate the renewal of eye cells, resist the damage of free radicals, and prevent the aging of eye skin;

2. Cucumber and sorbitol can quickly replenish skin moisture and lock water, making eye skin tender and shiny;

3. Horsetail extract can tighten the eye skin, eliminate eye puffiness and eye bags;

4. Macadamia oil and coenzymes make the skin soft and smooth. Anyone who wears contact lenses can use it.



Essence cream:

Ingredients: Coenzyme-Q10, cucumber, sorbitol extract, rose wax, beeswax, micronized titanium, vitamin E, etc.

Scope of application: dull/tired/mature skin

How to use: After cleansing the face with facial cleanser every morning and evening and strengthening care with nourishing lotion, apply the product evenly on the face and neck. It can be used multiple times a day according to personal needs.

Specification: 50ml


1. Please avoid putting it in your eyes. If the product gets into your eyes, please rinse with water in time.

2. If rash or irritation occurs after using this product, please stop using this product.

3. Please keep it out of the reach of children to prevent the baby from eating by mistake.

4. Store in a cool and dry place.

Sales Location: Germany


Eye cream

Scope of application: eye patterns/eye bags/dark circles

How to use: In the evening, take an appropriate amount and apply pressure to the eye skin for absorption (large and small three-circle massage)



1. Please avoid putting it in your eyes. If the product gets into your eyes, please rinse with water in time.

2. If rash or irritation occurs after using this product, please stop using this product.

3. Please keep it out of the reach of children to prevent the baby from eating by mistake.

4. Store in a cool and dry place.

Sales Location: Germany


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