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Doctors BEST America High absorption chelated magnesium tablets Overseas local original

- + Gross weight: 500g
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Brand: Doctor s BEST
Net weight: 240 piece/bottle
Of sale: America
Type: Vitamins/Minerals
For people: adult
Allotment: Overseas warehouse delivery

Commodity description




1. Based on scientific nutrition, it contains magnesium chelated amino acids, L-glycine and L-lysine, providing high absorption.

2. Help support bone, heart, nerve and muscle health.

3. Plant raw materials, plant raw materials, gluten-free, soy-free, dietary supplements, dietary supplements.

4. High absorption magnesium utilizes a patented, organic chelated form of magnesium to optimize bioavailability and GI tolerance.

5. Magnesium is an important dietary mineral that plays many important roles, including: helping cells produce metabolic energy, supporting nerve function, helping muscles relax properly, and maintaining a healthy heartbeat.

6. Glycine and lysine have been proven to be effective mineral carriers to help intestinal absorption.

7. Help maintain normal magnesium levels. Magnesium will decrease with age.

8. Made by TRAACS, this is a patented organic form of bioavailable magnesium, chelated to optimize bioavailability.



Applicable people: adults

Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate (plant origin), stearic acid, modified cellulose (coating).

Usage and dosage: Take 2 tablets twice a day with food, or follow the advice of a nutritionist. Specification: 240 tablets/bottle


1. Do not place it in a place out of reach of children

2. Please store in a dark, dry place, below 25℃.

3. If you are taking prescription drugs, have any physical conditions, or are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your doctor before taking this product.

Sales Location: America

Brand: Doctors BEST

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