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Doctors BEST America Vitamin K2 capsules Overseas local original

- + Gross weight: 300g
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Brand: Doctor s BEST
Net weight: 60 capsules/bottle
Of sale: America
Type: Vitamins/Minerals
For people: adult
Allotment: Overseas warehouse delivery

Commodity description




1. Science-based nutrition and dietary supplement.

2. Vitamin K2 supports healthy bones and soft tissues.

3. Support bone health and soft tissue elasticity.

4. Deliver vitamin K to bone and soft tissue.

5. Support calcium metabolism to maintain bone health.

6. K2 belongs to a group of vitamin K family called menaquinone compounds. Compared with K1, it has greater activity.

7. K2 is well absorbed and stays in the body longer, providing more benefits to bones, blood vessels and other soft tissues.



Applicable people: adults

Ingredients: Vitamin K (such as Vitamin K2 MenaQ-7), microcrystalline cellulose, modified cellulose (vegetarian capsule), magnesium stearate (vegetarian source), glyceryl monostearate, ascorbyl palmitate, rosemary Fragrant extract.

Usage and dosage: 1 tablet a day, after meals or on an empty stomach. Specification: 60 capsules/bottle


1. Do not place it in a place out of reach of children

2. Please store in a dark, dry place, below 25℃.

3. If you are taking prescription drugs, have any physical conditions, or are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your doctor before taking this product.

Sales Location: America

Brand: Doctors BEST

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