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Orthomol German 100 vitamin C tablets Overseas local original

- + Gross weight: 150g
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Brand: Orthomol
Of sale: Germany
Type: Vitamins/Minerals
Specification: 120capsules/box
Effects: Supplement VitaminsC
For people: Supplement VitaminsC required
Allotment: Overseas warehouse delivery

Commodity description




1. Actively affect the activity of the defense system, benefit cell protection and support defense.

2. The biologically active formula reduces free radicals and can assist the action of vitamin C to strengthen each others functions.

3. Vitamin C can dilute melanin and prevent premature skin aging.

4. Supplement vitamin C in a comprehensive and balanced way, convenient to carry and eat.



Applicable people: people who need to add vitamin C

Specification: capsule, 100 capsules/box

Main ingredients: L-ascorbic acid, filler hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, citrus fruit bioflavonoids (7.9%), corn starch, release agent, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide release, stabilizer polydextrose, Tina Day TrennmittelTalkum, maltodextrin extract, dye riboflavin.

How to use: Take 1 capsule daily with water during or after meals.


1. This product should not exceed the recommended amount or be consumed with similar nutritional supplements;

2. Do not place it where children can reach;

3. Please store in a dark, dry place not higher than 25 degrees Celsius;

4. This product is a dietary supplement and cannot replace drugs;

5. Please eat under the guidance of a doctor, pregnant women and children are prohibited from eating.

Sales Location: Germany

Brand: orthomol

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