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Doppelherz German Concentrated omega-3 deep sea fish oil soft capsule Overseas local original

- + Gross weight: 150g
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Brand: Doppel herz
Of sale: Germany
Type: Fish oil / phospholipid
Specification: 30pellet/Box
For people: adult
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, a protective umbrella for the cardiovascular system, are essential to the human body and cannot be synthesized by itself.

2. Expand blood vessels, keep platelet aggregation, promote blood circulation, reduce blood viscosity and prevent thrombosis.

3. Supplement brain cell nutrition, promote intellectual development, prevent brain atrophy and senile dementia.

4. Taken from deep-sea fish rich in omega-3. EPA and DHA are rich in the high-latitude seas of Norway, which are mainly polluted by heavy metals.

5. It can regulate blood lipids and reduce the content of cholesterol and triglycerides.



Ingredients: Omega-3 fatty acids 71% from sea fish oil, gelatin concentrate containing acid (bovine), humectant glycerin, DL-α-tocopherol acetate.

Applicable people: adults

Specification: 30 capsules/box

How to use: Take 1 capsule per day without chewing.


1. This product should not exceed the recommended amount or be consumed with similar nutritional supplements;

2. Do not place it where children can reach;

3. Please store it in a dark, dry place not higher than 25 degrees Celsius;

4. This product is a dietary supplement; this product cannot replace drugs.

Sales Location: Germany

Brand: Doppel herz

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