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Balea German seaweed moisturizing lifting and tightening shoulder and Neck Cream

- + Gross weight: 200g
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Brand: Balea
Net weight: 50ml
Of sale: Germany
Type: Moisten the body
Applicable skin: All skin types Mature muscle
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. It can effectively prevent skin relaxation and sagging caused by the loss of years. It can be used frequently to restore the elasticity of shoulder and neck skin, smooth wrinkles and make skin no longer loose. It can effectively prevent skin aging and restore skin elasticity. Suitable for shoulder and neck.

2, provide nourishment for delicate neck and chest skin, provide everfount moisture and nourishing essence. Make skin smooth and delicate.

3. Lighten the lines, strengthen and improve the elasticity of the skin in the chest and neck, comprehensively tighten and enhance, nourish the delicate skin in the neck, and tighten the loose skin.

4. Double hyaluronic acid formula provides strong moisture. It helps prevent signs of skin aging.

5. The decomposition of collagen and elastin can promote cell renewal and improve the firmness and elasticity of skin.



Net content: 50ml

Applicable skin types: all skin types, mature skin types

Usage: apply to neck and scapula every day, massage gently for 2-3 minutes.

matters needing attention:

1. Do not put it in the place that children can touch;

2. Please store in a dark and dry place;

3. If the product gets into the eye, please wash it with plenty of water immediately.

Place of sale: Germany

Brand: Balea

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