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Natural Elements German Coenzyme Q10 capsules 120 capsules Overseas local original

- + Gross weight: 300g
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Brand: natural elements
Of sale: Germany
Type: Antioxidant enzymes
Specification: 120pellet/Bottle
For people: adult
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. 120 vegan capsules, each containing 200mg vegetable coenzyme Q10.

2. Protect the heart. Coenzyme Q10 helps to provide sufficient oxygen to the heart muscle, especially in the process of myocardial hypoxia. Coenzyme Q10 plays a key role.

3. Coenzyme Q10 keeps cells in a good and healthy state, so the body is full of vitality, energetic and full of brain power.

4. Protect the skin. Long-term use of Coenzyme Q10 can effectively prevent skin from photo-aging and reduce wrinkles around the eyes.



Applicable people: adults

Specification: 120 capsules/bottle

Ingredients: Ubiquinone, rice flour, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (plant capsule shell)

How to take: Take 1 capsule daily with plenty of water.


1. The recommended daily dose should not exceed

2. Take enough fluids

3. Please keep this product out of reach of children

Sales place: Germany/Germany

Brand: natural elements

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