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TRUE NUTRITION TECHNOLOGY German Omega 3 fish oil capsules 150 capsules Overseas local original

- + Gross weight: 300g
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Of sale: Germany
Type: Fish oil / phospholipid
Specification: 150pellet/Bottle
For people: adult
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. Pure fish oil containing EPA and DHA, omega 3 fatty acids, no additives.

2. It is a very pure and good fish oil made from wild anchor fish. Contains high doses of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). It is included in oily cold-water fish (herring, mackerel, salmon, sardine, tuna), krill (small arctic crab) and special microalgae from the sea. Contributes to health, supports all important body functions and strengthens the immune system.

3. Omega 3 offers many benefits to people of all ages, especially athletes who benefit from supplements. It supports cell formation and muscle function, and acts as a "lubricant" for joints.

4. The formation of defensive cells for the human body builds a stronger immune system, protects against infectious diseases, and helps healthy nails and skin.



Applicable people: adults

Specification: 150 tablets l/bottle

Ingredients: fish oil TG (18% EPA / 12% DHA), capsule shell gelatin, glycerin, purified water. Usage and dosage: We recommend taking 3 capsules a day, each time taking a large amount of liquid (for example, 1 glass of water).


1. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded.

2. Take enough fluids.

3. Please keep this product out of reach of children.

Sales Location: Germany


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