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TRUE NUTRITION TECHNOLOGY Germany TNT L-carnitine capsules 150 tablets

- + Gross weight: 300g
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Of sale: Germany
Type: Slimming
Specification: 150pellet/Bottle
For people: adult
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. It only contains 100% L-carnitine. It has been used by athletes for many years.

2. L-carnitine promotes positive effects on stress (physical stress, such as training and mental stress) and strengthens the immune system, endurance, and accelerates muscle growth / muscle mass.

3. Increases strength, energy and endurance, helps maintain muscle mass (muscle growth) and reduces muscle soreness.

4. Support fat burning, reduce hunger, support the ideal choice of diet, optimize fat metabolism.



Applicable population: Adults

Specification: 150 tablets / bottle

Ingredients: green tea extract, microcrystalline cellulose filler, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose capsule, quercetin dihydrate. This product may contain traces of soybean, gluten, egg and milk.

Usage and dosage: take 5 capsules a day, swallow with plenty of water. It is recommended not to take them late before going to bed, because the effect of Qi tonifying may cause difficulty in falling asleep

matters needing attention:

1. The recommended daily dose should not exceed

2. Take enough liquid

3. Please keep this product out of the reach of children

4. Not suitable for children, pregnant women and diabetics.

Place of sale: Germany


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