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Life Extension America Super Ubiquinol Reduced Coenzyme Q10 Capsules overseas local version

- + Gross weight: 200g
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Brand: Life Extension
Of sale: America
Type: Antioxidant enzymes
Specification: 60pellet/Box
For people: adult
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. The K of the K2 complex (vitamin K1 + vitamin K2, MK-4 and MK-7) provides a dynamic trio of vitamin K forms.

2. It interacts with vitamin D3 and helps maintain calcium absorption in bones.

3. Support the health of bones and blood vessels.

4. The bioavailability of vitamin K2 is 10 times stronger than that of K1, and its biological activity in the body is longer than that of K1.



Specification: 90 capsules/box

Ingredients: Vitamin C (ascorbyl palmitate such as) 10 mg (* 4.4%), vitamin K activity 2600mcg (* 3375%).

Other ingredients: virgin olive oil, gelatin, glycerin, beeswax, purified water, dye carob.

Suitable for the crowd: adults

Usage: It is recommended to take 1 capsule per day.


1. Do not place it in a place out of reach of children.

2. Please store in a dark, dry place, below 25℃.

3. If you are taking prescription drugs, have any physical conditions, or are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your doctor before taking this product.

Sales Location: America

Brand: Life Extension

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