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Life Extension America Growth Promoting Zinc Chewable Tablets Citrus Orange Flavor overseas local version

- + Gross weight: 300g
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Brand: Life Extension
Of sale: America
Type: Vitamins / minerals
Specification: 60tablets/Bottle
For people: adult及Children
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. Zinc helps maintain normal bones and supports many metabolic functions.

2. Zinc contributes to normal fertility and reproduction.

3. Zinc ingot contains the combination of high-quality zinc and vitamin C to provide you with a delicious orange flavor.

4. Non-GMO, vegetarian.

5. For everyone: It is the reduction of free radicals, the booster of SOD production, and the suppression of bad genes.

6. For babies: improve the health of babies, avoid childrens growth and development obstacles, and delay precocious puberty.



Ingredients: Zinc (such as zinc oxide, gluconic acid) 18,75mg (187.5%*)

Other ingredients: Xylitol, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, citrus flavoring orange, stearic acid, citric acid, potato maltodextrin, stevia extract, gum arabic, vegetarian stearate.

Specification: 60 tablets/bottle

Suitable for the crowd: adults

How to take it: It is recommended to take 1 tablet per day, chewed and taken.


1. Do not place it in a place out of reach of children.

2. Please store in a dark, dry place, below 25℃.

3. If you are taking prescription drugs, have any physical conditions, or are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your doctor before taking this product.

Sales Location: America

Brand: Life Extension

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