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Belle Azul Spanish foot Exfoliating Gel

- + Gross weight: 250g
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Brand: Belle Azul
Net weight: 150ml
Of sale: Spain
Type: Hands and feet
Applicable skin: All skin
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. Foot Exfoliating Gel is a highly active ingredient of natural and herbal ingredients, such as rich nut oil, antibacterial and bactericidal tea tree oil and cool peppermint.

2. Gels contain natural ingredients such as Moroccan nut oil, tea tree oil and menthol, which nourish and disinfect the feet while giving them a fresh fragrance.

3, gel combined with grinding stones can clean and remove calluses, and make feet soft and soft again.

4. Suitable for all skin types. Free of p-hydroxybenzoate and phthalate.



Applicable skin type: all skin types

Net content: 150ml

Usage: use as needed

matters needing attention:

1. Do not place it in the reach of children.

2. Before the first use, apply a small amount on the back of the hand to test its compatibility. No allergy after 24 hours, please continue to use.

3. Keep in a cool and dry place.

Place of sale: span

Brand: Belle Azul

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