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WellMix German high quality protein powder chocolate meal substitute

- + Gross weight: 600g
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Brand: WellMix
Net weight: 500g
Of sale: Germany
Type: Slimming
For people: adult
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. High quality protein source specially adds Stevia chocolate flavor and provides you with important minerals and vitamins.

2. Honey, as well as proteins from soybeans and milk, are the main ingredients of beverages and provide the body with essential amino acids, including those from plant and animal proteins.

3. Contains vitamin D and calcium - used to maintain normal bones. Zinc also supports normal fatty acid and carbohydrate metabolism.

4. For your connective tissue, manganese helps to form normal connective tissue, and copper helps to maintain normal connective tissue.

5. Replacing two main meals (breakfast and dinner) with a low calorie diet and supplementing them can help you lose weight.



Suitable for: Adults

Net content: 500g

Usage: pour one portion (equivalent to one meal) of powder into 200 ml of warm water and rinse.

matters needing attention:

1. This product should not exceed the recommended amount or be taken with the same kind of nutritional supplements at the same time;

2. Do not put it in the place that children can touch;

3. Please store in a dark, dry place with temperature no higher than 25 ℃;

Place of sale: Germany

Brand: wellmix

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