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Altapharma Germany acid base balance tea * 2

- + Gross weight: 150g
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Brand: altapharma
Of sale: Germany
Type: Regulating immunity
Specification: 21.6g/Box
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. Tea is a refreshing delicacy, carefully selected herbs.

2. It can adjust the acid-base balance in the body, which is very important for normal human metabolism.

3. It can adjust the symptoms of excessive gastric acid and is the best supplement to the basic diet.

4. Green oatmeal and horsetail make you healthy and relaxed.

5. It's an aromatic calorie neutral drink.



Ingredients: 100g ingredients: 30g nettle leaves, 30g green herbs, 20g lemon grass, 13g horsetail, 7g ginger.

Suitable for: Adults

Net content: 21.6g/box

Usage: Take 1 bag of tea from each cup of tea (about 200 ml water), hang the tea bag in a pot of boiling water, and take out the tea bag after the specified brewing time.

matters needing attention:

1. Keep away from light and humidity.

2. The validity period of the package is printed on the bottom of the carton and the filter bag wrapping paper.

Place of sale: Germany

Brand: altapharma

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