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Altapharma German Selenium supplement + vitamin ACE effervescent tablets*4 overseas local version

- + Gross weight: 436g
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Brand: altapharma
Of sale: Germany
Type: Vitamins / minerals
Specification: 20tablets/Bottle
For people: adult
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. Vitamin A, C, E and selenium help maintain the normal function of the immune system.

2. Vitamin C and E and selenium protect cells from oxidative stress.

3. Vitamin A also helps maintain normal vision, skin and mucous membranes.

4. The taste of blueberry and lavender is refreshing.



Ingredients: citric acid, acidity regulator sodium bicarbonate, humectant, sorbitol, acid regulator sodium carbonate, L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), beetroot juice powder (maltodextrin, beetroot juice powder), starch, Inulin, release agent tricalcium phosphate, flavor, sweetener cyclamate, DL-a tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), dye anthocyanin, sweetener sodium saccharin, retinyl acetate (vitamin A), Pteroylmonoglutaminsäure (Folic acid), sodium selenate.

Suitable for the crowd: adults

Specification: 20 tablets/bottle

How to use: One tablet a day. Put the effervescent tablet directly in 200ML of water. After it is dissolved, you can drink it.

Reminder: Do not use boiling water, do not use a sealed cup for brewing.


1. Please keep away from children.

2. The recommended consumption cannot be exceeded.

3. Please store in a dark, dry place not higher than 25 degrees Celsius.

4. Dietary supplements cannot replace a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Sales Location: Germany

Brand: altapharma

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