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Somatoline cosmic France 7 night slimming cream 400ml

- + Gross weight: 500g
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Brand: Somatoline Cosmetic
Net weight: 400ml
Of sale: France
Type: Slimming
For people: adult
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. It can directly adjust the internal circulation of human body, and use natural plant extract to inhibit fat accumulation.

2. Thighs and belly are very effective, help the body into the normal physiological cycle.

3. Help the decomposition and excretion of orange peel tissue, and inhibit the recurrence of orange peel combination.

4. Rapid absorption, initial skin sensation and slight needling sensation indicate that the active substance is taking effect.

5. Sea salt is conducive to the excretion of excess water in the body, preventing edema and making the skin smooth and tight.

6. Effectively reduce the subcutaneous fat of the arm and lower body, and make the body more slim and slender.



Suitable for: Adults

Net content: 400ml

Usage: every night, take a proper amount of massage in the form of circle until absorption. It is recommended to use it continuously for more than four weeks. This product is an external product. After massage, there may be burning sensation and slight tingling, which belongs to normal reaction and may last for 30 minutes. The specific time varies slightly due to different human qualities. If it is excessively red, please wash it thoroughly with cold water.

matters needing attention:

1. This product should not exceed the recommended amount or be taken with the same kind of nutritional supplements at the same time;

2. Do not put it in the place that children can touch;

3. Please store in a dark, dry place, no higher than 25 ℃;

Place of sale: France

Brand: Somatoline Cosmetic

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