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BREITSAMER German Acacia honey 350g Overseas local original

- + Gross weight: 500g
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Net weight: 350g
Of sale: Germany
Type: Honey / bee products
For people: For general population
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. Light color, not easy to crystallize.

2. Sweet but not greasy, with a unique fragrance of acacia.

3. Honey has floral aroma and smooth taste.

4. Pleasant aroma, no additives, natural taste.



Net content: 350g

Applicable people: Suitable for the general population. Honey is unprocessed raw food, so it is not suitable for children under 12 months.

Edible method: eat as needed

Storage method: Store in a cool and dry place below 25 degrees


1. It is not recommended for children, diabetics and people allergic to bee products;

2. It is recommended that the temperature not exceed 50 degrees to avoid destroying the activity of honey;

3. This product is a dietary supplement and cannot replace drugs.

Sales Location: Germany


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