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COSPHERA Germany hyaluronic acid capsules 90 Capsules

- + Gross weight: 200g
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Net weight: 54g
Of sale: Germany
Type: Beauty
Specification: 90 Capsules / bottle
For people: adult
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. Hyaluronic acid is based on the fermentation of corn. Each capsule contains 350 mg of micro molecular hyaluronic acid.

2. Each bottle of 90 capsules is enough to provide your body with high-dose ingredients for three months.

3. A balanced combination of vitamin C, B12 and zinc helps skin elasticity and joint health.

4. No magnesium, no gelatin, no gluten, no lactose, no spices and colorants, no preservatives.



Specification: 90 Capsules / bottle

Applicable population: Adults

Main ingredients: hyaluronic acid powder (containing about 90% sodium hyaluronate), hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (capsule), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), zinc gluconate, vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin), rice bran extract.

How to take it: Adults take 1 capsule daily with plenty of water. Do not exceed the daily dosage.

matters needing attention:

1. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced, diverse diet and a healthy lifestyle.

2. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded

. 3. Keep it closed, cool, dry, away from light and out of the reach of children.

4. It is not suitable for teenagers, pregnant women and lactating women.

Place of sale: Germany


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