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ARTHUR ANDREW USA Digestive enzyme of stomach

- + Gross weight: 300g
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Of sale: America
Type: Gastrointestinal care
Specification: 90 Capsules / bottle
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. To eliminate food waste and improve the gastrointestinal environment, the stomach can contain a variety of enzymes, which can effectively eliminate food waste and improve the gastrointestinal environment.

2. In order to reduce the burden of stomach and delay the aging of organs, targeted slow and controlled release technology can be used in the stomach, which can effectively deliver high activity enzymes to different acid-base environment of the stomach according to the digestion process, and effectively reduce the burden of stomach.

3. Relieve the burden of islets, control blood sugar, reduce the digestive burden of pancreas, contribute to the normal secretion of insulin, control blood sugar.

4. It helps digestion and absorption, helps food digestion and nutrient absorption, and deeply solves gastrointestinal digestion and absorption problems such as stomachache, bloating, abdominal distension, diarrhea, constipation, lactose intolerance, nausea, heartburn, acid regurgitation, bad breath, burping, farting, vomiting, anorexia, etc.

5. It can protect, regulate and improve the balance of beneficial bacteria in the stomach, and prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases.



Specification: 90 Capsules / bottle

Suitable crowd: gastrointestinal discomfort crowd, lactose intolerance crowd, gallstones, cholecystitis patients, convalescent pancreatitis patients, diabetes patients, cancer patients in the stage of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, middle-aged and elderly people with digestive dysfunction, and people who use a lot of antibiotics < / P > warm tips:

1. Do not place it out of the reach of children

2. Please store in a dry place away from light and below 25 ℃.

3. If you are taking prescription drugs, have any physical condition, or are pregnant or lactating, please consult your doctor before taking this product.

Place of sale: America


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