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NATURE LOVE Germany black genmaka capsule

- + Gross weight: 340g
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Net weight: 163g
Of sale: Germany
Type: Liver and kidney maintenance
Specification: 180 Capsules / bottle
For people: adult
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. High dose organic Maca powder with 3000 mg black root and vitamin C.

2. No gelatin, fillers, correctors, colorants, stabilizers, no lactose, no gluten, no preservatives, no genetically modified ingredients (GMO free).

3. Made in Germany, obtained HACCP certification in strict audit system.

4. This product is naturally obtained from black makagan.

5. Maka is rich in high unit nutrients, which has the function of nourishing and strengthening the body, so that people are full of physical strength, energetic and will not feel tired.

6. It has a significant effect on balancing human hormone secretion, so Maka is also known as hormone engine.



Specification: 180 Capsules / bottle

Applicable population: Adults

Ingredients: biological Maca powder (Maca), West Indian cherry powder (West Indian cherry extract, maltodextrin carrier), coating agent: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. Daily dose of nutrients (2 x 2 capsules): Organic Maca powder (300.0mg), organic golden tiger tail vitamin C (12mg).

How to take it: take 2 capsules twice a day with plenty of water

matters needing attention:

1. The recommended daily dose should not exceed

2. Take enough liquid

3. Please keep this product out of the reach of children

4. It is not recommended for teenagers, pregnant women and lactating women

Place of sale: Germany


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