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Sanct Bernhard Germany Omega 3-6-9 linseed oil capsules

- + Gross weight: 250g
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Brand: Sanct Bernhard
Net weight: 119g
Of sale: Germany
Type: Adjust the three highs
Specification: 180grains
For people: adult
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. Linseed oil is obtained from the mature seeds of Flax by mild cold pressing.

2. Flaxseed oil contains about 90% unsaturated fatty acids, of which 55% essential omega-3 fatty acid, α - linolenic acid (ALA), is especially high.

3. Ala helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.

4. Flaxseed oil also contains valuable essential omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid and Omega-9 fatty acid oleic acid.

5. Omega-3-6-9 flaxseed oil capsule is an ideal supplement for reasonable lifestyle and cholesterol diet.



Applicable population: Adults

Specification: 180 Capsules

Ingredients: linseed oil (73%) *, gelatin, glycerin, anti oxidant, and natural extract.

Usage: take 4 capsules twice a day with plenty of water. Children under 12 years old took one pill three times a day for about 4 weeks.

matters needing attention:

1. Nutrition can not replace balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

2. Keep away from direct sunlight during storage.

3. This product is not used for diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any disease.

Place of sale: Germany

Brand: sanct Bernhard

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