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Sanct Bernhard Germany Ginkgo biloba extract capsules

- + Gross weight: 250g
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Brand: Sanct Bernhard
Of sale: Germany
Type: Adjust the three highs
Specification: 240 grain
For people: adult
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. It contains a lot of bioactive components (such as ginkgo flavone, terpene lactone, etc.) and has a good effect on regulating lipid and promoting liquid circulation.

2. Start brain cells, increase brain nutrition, improve memory, increase brain oxygen supply and improve brain function.

3. Each capsule contained 18.4 mg flavonoid glycoside and 4.9 mg ginkgolide terpene lactone.

4. Eliminate free radicals and delay aging.



Applicable population: Adults

Specification: 240 capsules

Usage: take one capsule daily.

matters needing attention:

1. Nutrition can not replace balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

2. Keep away from direct sunlight during storage.

3. This product is not used for diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any disease.

Place of sale: Germany

Brand: sanct Bernhard

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