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Bergland German Royal Jelly Oral Liquid Overseas local original

- + Gross weight: 350g
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Brand: Bergland
Of sale: Germany
Type: Honey / bee products
Specification: 14Bottle/box

Commodity description




1. Gelée Royale ImmunAktiv 800 is a high-quality nutritional supplement composed of 800 mg royal jelly and important vitamins to provide daily protection and energy.

2. Gelée Royale is the food queen of the queen of bees. It is a combination of pollen, honeydew and nectar.

3. Gelée Royale ImmunAktiv 800, derived from cactus fruit, combined with vitamin D and vitamin C, is used for normal immune defense.

4. Vitamin B complex supports the bodys daily energy metabolism.



Specification: 14 bottles/box

Usage: One bottle a day, shake the bottle of liquid evenly before taking


1. Please place it out of reach of children.

2. The recommended daily intake should not be exceeded, and nutritional supplements cannot replace a balanced and varied diet.

3. Avoid direct sunlight and do not store it with food.

Sales Location: Germany

Brand: Bergland

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