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OPTIMUM NUTRITION U.S. fitness and muscle enhancement gold standard whey protein powder 0.9kg

- + Gross weight: 1.1kg
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Net weight: 0.9KG
Of sale: America
Type: Slimming
For people: adult
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. Gold standard 100% whey, 24 grams of high quality protein per serving.

2. Whey protein helps to build muscle fibers and helps to quickly build muscle.

3. Whey protein contains every essential amino acid and is not hindered by lack of materials in muscle synthesis.

4. The protein powder is easy to absorb and dissolve. It can also be added to cereal, porridge, milk, etc. it is delicious and healthy.

5. Recover the muscle after strenuous exercise and provide the required protein intake for the muscle.

6. A variety of flavors, brewing simple and convenient.



Suitable for: Adults

Net content: 0.9kg

Usage: after getting up in the morning, add 1 spoonful to 300ml water or skimmed milk, stir well and drink it to supplement muscle nutrition; after training, drink 1 portion to help muscle recovery and reconstruction. It is recommended that the water temperature should be about 40 degrees, not too hot or too cold, so as to avoid protein caking.

matters needing attention:

1. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded.

2. This product can't replace balanced and diverse diet and healthy lifestyle.

3. Please keep the product out of the reach of children.

Don't use it during pregnancy and lactation.

5. If you take medicine, please consult your doctor before taking it.

6. Contains milk and soybeans, may contain traces of gluten, eggs, peanuts and nuts!

Place of sale: America


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