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OPTIMUM NUTRITION USA gold standard nitrogen pump before fitness 330g

- + Gross weight: 450g
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Net weight: 330G
Of sale: America
Type: Slimming
For people: adult
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. Nitrogen pump is a new and powerful pre training product, which can be used before training.

2. Can improve muscle strength, enhance muscle endurance, and can significantly improve training performance.

3. Nitrogen pump can promote energy absorption and decomposition, reduce the fatigue during and after exercise.

4. Nitrogen pump can promote protein synthesis and increase muscle circumference.

5. It can expand blood vessels, improve the absorption rate of muscle nutrition, and increase the speed of muscle synthesis.



Suitable for: Adults

Net content: 330g

Usage: 20-30 minutes before training, mix one portion of this product (1 spoon) with 480ml cold water, shake well and eat. Do not exceed 2 teaspoons per day. Please read the product instructions carefully before use and follow the instructions.

matters needing attention:

1. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded.

2. This product can't replace balanced and diverse diet and healthy lifestyle.

3. Please keep the product out of the reach of children.

Don't use it during pregnancy and lactation.

5. If you take medicine, please consult your doctor before taking it.

Place of sale: America


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