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Remescar Sweden spider web Repair Cream

- + Gross weight: 200g
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Brand: remescar
Net weight: 50ml
Of sale: Sweden
Type: Moisten the body
Applicable skin: Any skin type
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. The cream contains Microlens Coated Crytals components and microlens liquid crystal encapsulation technology. It can effectively prevent and improve the skin problems caused by spider's reticular varicose veins, and create a smoother appearance.

2. It can form a closed breathable film, which can help accelerate healing and prevent invasion or stimulation.

3. Protect the skin from the damage of ultraviolet radiation and weaken the reactive oxygen species of vein wall.

4. Change the angle of light into the skin to form the visual effect of smooth skin.



Net content: 50ml

Ingredients: phospholipid, hyaluronic acid, local antioxidant, plant dynamic complex (PDC)

Applicable skin: all skin

usage method:

1. Please keep your skin clean and fresh before use

2. Gently apply the cream to the skin with varicose veins.

3. Gently massage until absorbed, do not rub or massage too much

4. It is recommended to use it twice a day for 2-3 months.

Note: due to different skin types, please stop using immediately in case of abnormality.

Place of sale: Sweden

Brand: remeskar

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