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Vitabay Germany black cohosh extract capsules 120 Capsules

- + Gross weight: 200g
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Brand: Vitabay
Net weight: 39g
Of sale: Germany
Type: Regulating immunity
Specification: 120 Capsules / bottle
For people: adult
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. Helps regulate menstruation and hormonal activity, applies to premenstrual and menopausal.

2. Contains 2500 mg of black cohosh extract.

3. Relieve the symptoms of climacteric flush, sweating, nervous tension, irritability and headache.

4. It is helpful to regulate endocrine balance and stabilize body balance.

5. To prevent menstrual pain, abnormal bleeding and other menstrual discomfort.

6. No genetic engineering, gluten, lactose and fillers, no preservatives.



Ingredients: black cohosh extract 10:1 (total cohosh) (77%), amylopectin coating agent (capsule vegetarians).

Specification: 120 Capsules / bottle

Applicable population: Adults

Usage: 1 capsule per day. Take plenty of water

matters needing attention:

1. Do not put it in the place that children can touch;

2. Store at room temperature (up to 25 ° C);

3. Please close the bottle carefully after each use and store the opened bottle upright;

4. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a variety of balanced diets.

Place of sale: Germany

Brand: vitabay

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