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GloryFeel Germany 400 Omega3 Fish Oil Capsules Overseas local original

- + Gross weight: 650g
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Brand: Gloryfeel
Net weight: 538g
Of sale: Germany
Type: Fish oil / phospholipid
Specification: 400 tablets/bottle
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. Each capsule contains 1000 mg of fish oil.

2. Among them, 350 mg of pure omega-3 fatty acids, 180 mg of EPA (18%) and 120 mg of DPA (12%).

3. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids, which are extracted from sea fish such as herring, mackerel or salmon, and can be used as dietary supplements.

4. Help maintain normal brain function, help maintain normal vision, and help normal heart function.

5. Does not contain magnesium stearate, artificial fertilizers, pesticides, suitable for vegetarians and vegetarians.



Ingredients: fish oil (18% EPA, 12% DHA), soft capsule (gelatin [beef]), moisturizer [glycerin, water), antioxidant (extract containing strong tocopherol [contains soy]).

Suitable for the crowd: adults

Specification: 400 pieces

Taking method: 1 capsule per day


1. Do not place it in a place out of reach of children.

2. Please store in a dark, dry place, below 25℃.

3. Dietary supplements are not drugs and cannot be used in place of drugs.

Sales Location: Germany

Brand: GloryFeel

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