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Barnangen Sweden refreshing vitality Shower Gel * 2

- + Gross weight: 900g
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Brand: Barnangen
Net weight: 400ml
Of sale: Sweden
Type: bath
Applicable skin: Any skin type
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. Originated from the wild and pure Nordic glaciers, sea salt is fresh and fresh.

2. The natural sea salt rich in minerals can awaken the vitality of the skin and regain the fresh experience of the skin.

3. It is extracted from the long-standing repair cold cream to give the whole body a silky soft touch.

4. The fragrance of the son of the sea, the dense fragrance of water on the surface of the Baltic Sea.

5, the former tune: from the Bahrain river of lime and Haiyan source to the exciting fragrance journey; tunes: gentle breeze, the fragrance of white cloves and water lilies; back tune: cedar wood flavour softened by musk.



Net content: 400ml

Applicable skin: all skin

Usage: use it as needed

Place of sale: Sweden

Brand: Barnangen

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