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Barnangen Sweden muscle active moistening cold cream * 2

- + Gross weight: 500g
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Brand: Barnangen
Net weight: 200ml
Of sale: Sweden
Type: Moisten the body
Applicable skin: Any skin type
Allotment: Overseas direct delivery

Commodity description




1. A touch of rare cream can invigorate the skin in winter.

2. With its special formula, the cold cream combines rose water, beeswax and natural oil to moisturize and repair the dry skin.

3. As a soul product, cold cream has been the secret for rundian fairies to keep their skin soft and moist for many years, creating a soft, delicate and sweet fragrance, revitalizing soft and full skin.

4. The classic sun white fragrance creates the artistic conception of flower sea through the curl of musk to present the dreamlike journey of charming skin.

5, pre tune: soft wrap of Arctic grass, medium notes: rare arctic seven petal lotus, spicy rose and white peony flower fragrance; back tune: White Musk as the muscle bottom, winding sandalwood and vanilla flavor elegant fragrance.



Net content: 200ml

Uses: foundation cream, intensive repair cream, day base cream, lock water replenishing cream, essence night cream.

Applicable skin: all skin

Usage: use it as needed

Place of sale: Sweden

Brand: Barnangen

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